Friday, July 10, 2015

Color Dare #150 ~ Sunset, Sweet Leaf + Slate & White Daisy

Welcome to a new color dare from Color My Heart. Each Friday morning we go live with a new color challenge. You can make anything you want, you just need to use only the specified colors. If you don't have the exact colors you can substitute something close. It's A LOT of fun!

This week our colors are Sunset, Sweet Leaf + Slate and White Daisy. I wanted to make a 3D item this week and dove into my Close To My Heart Cricut booklets. I decided on this cute and tropical looking gift box. It's about 3" tall and perfect for some little goodies.

For the tag I used Tagged With Love which is a Hostess Set. BUT, during the month of July only, you can receive a Hostess Set for only $5 with when you buy $25 in stamps! OR you can chose the July Stamp of the Month instead of a Hostess Set!The qualifying Hostess Sets are in the Annual Inspirations or Seasonal 2 books. All of the Hostess Sets will be retiring Aug, 31st. If you have your eye on any of them NOW is the time to get in on this deal!

The gift box was cut from the Artiste Cartridge. The purple images in the lower right are the ones for this gift box.

The tag was cut from the Art Philosophy cartridge. The image in the lower left is for this tag.

All products are Close To My Heart: (click for image)
--Cricut: Art Philosophy, Artiste
--Stamp Set: Tagged With Love-Hostess Set (R)
--Ink: Sunset, Sweet Leaf, Slate
--Cardstock: Sunset, Sweet Leaf, White Daisy
--Embellishments: Slate Twist Tie (R), Clear Sparkles

(R) = retiring Aug 31, 2015

Not Close To My Heart:
--small hole punch

Don't forget to check the While Supplies Last and Retiring Items sections, too!

Now it's your turn! This color dare closes Thursday 9:00pm CDT. 
Come and join the fun!
Click here for details on how to join. It's in the sidebar of our home page.



  1. Beautiful gift box! Love the distressing on this project and the bling is a great touch.

  2. Fun project, Michelle! Someone is going to feel very lucky to receive this little beauty!


What did you think? Please leave a comment and make my day!

Painted Stripes Card ~ Color Dare #643

This challenge gives you two colors to create with, Blue and Purple. There are some Free colors you can add to your project but you MUST use...