Thursday, July 28, 2016

20 years with Close To My Heart!

This week I received my 20th Anniversary gift from Close To My Heart. I can't believe it's been 20 years already! It was such a shake to me when I decided I wanted to become a consultant. Being in front of a group....any size....was NOT my thing at all. But I really believed in the products and being confident about what I was talking about and sharing made all the difference! 

Twenty years of sharing my love of stamping and scrapbooking has been so much fun!  Stretching my boundaries and increasing my confidence has been a real gift. Making so many wonderful friends along the way has been a real blessing!

I look forward to many more years with Close To My Heart!

#CloseToMyHeart  #consultant  #LoveMyJob

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Color Dare #599

Can you believe it's May already? Time just seems to keep going faster all  the time! Let's enjoy and create as much as we can as it...