Thursday, November 25, 2010

Puzzle Technique

D1428 Happy Journey

This was a technique featured in a recent Technique Junkies newsletter. It's very easy to do and allows many options for your design! Each of these cards has a different is sponged and the other left white. I'm not sure which I like better...the soft sponging or the crisp white background. I also added a bitty black brad in the corner of each layer for an accent. 

Supplies used are:
D1428 Happy Journey
Cardstock--White Daisy, Black
Inks--Pacifica, Lagoon, Sky
Black Bitty Brads


1 comment:

  1. Great cards! Really like that technique, and will certainly have to give it a try soon. My preference for the cards is the one with the plain white background. If you are taking a poll. :)


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