Friday, January 19, 2024

Birthday Layout ~ Color Dare #584

Our Color Dare Team is challenging you with colors found in the Close To My Heart paper pack called Let's Party. These bright colors lend themselves to a very cheerful and happy celebration.

We reference Close To My Heart colors but you can use any brand you have BUT you have to be able to make a VERY CLOSE MATCH. Kind of close doesn't count. Make any paper craft you like. When you're ready to join our challenge click here to go directly to Color Dare #584.

It's coming up on a family birthday so I got busy and created a layout for the photos I'll have!  I went to my How-to Guide: Make It from Your Heart (Vol. 6) and picked out a layout. The book provides the samples plus cutting and placement guides to help you create the layout as or use it as a starting point. See below for a list of products I used for the layout.

Direct link to Color Dare #584

Additional Close To My Heart products used for this layout:

If you need a Maker (consultant) I'd be happy to help.
If you'd like to BE a Maker I'd love to have you on my team!

Have you heard about our new VIP Customer Program? As a member you enjoy perks like a discount on your orders, FREE Stamp of the Month, special product bundles and online events. 

Check this out!!!
Starting November 1st and going to January 31st you can sign up as a VIP Customer and get a $25 sign up bonus instead of $15.

If you're already a VIP Customer and you're due to renew during this time frame you'll get the same bonus when you renew!

Before you go...... be sure to sign up to follow my blog so you don't miss any great ideas! The link is in the column on the right.


#showandtellwithmichelle  #ctmh #colordare #colormyheart #scrapbooking


What did you think? Please leave a comment and make my day!

Sketch Challenge Card

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