Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sympathy Card with Woven Bow

I made this card for a team challenge to make sympathy card with a ribbon. I thought the knotless ribbon technique I learned long ago would be a great way to go so here it is! It creates a bow that lays flatter than one tied in the traditional way. 

I inked the image with two ink pads then stamped. Just use the horizon in the image as your changing point for the two colors. 

Popping up the top layer gives some dimension. The bow is purely decorative and does not tie any layers together. a few gems and it was ready to go!

See below for products used and a few pictures of creating the bow.

Quiet Reflection Stamp Set

Deckled Rectangles Dies

Summer Splash Ribbon

Other products used:
Hole Punch

The bow is not tied but more like woven using the two holes.
Punch two holes where you want the "knot" of the bow to be.  Feed the ribbon ends to the back of the layer as shown.

From the back make a loop with the ribbon tail on the left. Feed it through the hole on the right to the front. 

Do the same for the other loop. Make a loop with the tail on the right and feed it to the front using the left hole. 

Take the left tail, fold the right loop out of the way so the hole is more visible. Feed the tail to the front through the right hole. Take the right tail, fold the left loop out of the way and feed the tail through to the front. Gently pull the tails to ease out any excess ribbon. Trim the tails as you like. 

Give this bow technique a try. After a couple tries it will be easy to create and look wonderful on your projects. 

Michelle Loncar
Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator 

#showandtellwithmichelle #wovenbowtechnique #sympathycard

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