Wednesday, May 2, 2018

National Scrapbooking Month Layout Challenge

Day 2 of the challenge!

My Upline Denise Anderson-Turley has challenged her team to post a layout with photos each day of May and tell the story about why we love to scrap!

These photos are very sentimental to me. As a child we'd go visit my grandparents in Upper Michigan. My grandfather was a Railroad Engineer and we thought that was very cool! When he retired they put his engine on display in the rail yard and we'd always ask to go "visit" Grandpa's train. Looking at these photos brings back childhood memories that take me back in time and relive the feelings of spending time with Grandpa.

Get creative today!

#NationalScrapbookingMonth #tellyourstory #CTMHNSM #CloseToMyHeart #NSM2018

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