Friday, May 25, 2018

National Scrapbooking Month Layout Challenge

Day 25 of the layout challenge.

My Upline Denise Anderson-Turley has challenged her team to post a layout with photos each day of May and tell the story about why we love to scrap!

Our dogs are so funny! layout shows how they love it when they are groomed for summer and how they don't care too much for the snow in winter. One dog has passed and the other is pretty old now, so I'm glad we have this layout to spark the memories of the two fun dogs!

Remember... you don't have to scrap ALL the photos you take. Pick out a few that tell the story and scrap those photos. That way it's not so overwhelming and you get the story told.

Have a great day!

#NationalScrapbookingMonth #tellyourstory #CTMHNSM #CloseToMyHeart #NSM2018

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