Friday, May 25, 2018

Tic Tac Toe ~ Color Dare 294 ~ Beautiful Friendship

Do you love our Tic Tac Toe Dares as much as I do? It's fun to have all these colors to pick from or like I did this time....use them all! When you create and share with this Tic Tac Toe be sure to tell us what you used by row or column. For example you could use the left column, bottom row, left top diagonal, etc. You can also pick some of the other colors to use, too. Confusing? Details are in the post on our home page.

Ok so here we go! I used Pattern 18 in Make It from Your Heart Vol. 3. Our how-to books make creating fast and easy because they have good photos and cutting guides for you to work from.  I made a couple adjustments along the way. I changed the bottom right photo to a 4" x 6" rather than the two 3" x 4" ones in the sample. I also added the Silver Glitter corners so as to include the silver listed in the Tic Tac Toe grid.

I used a couple of easy techniques on this layout. 
1) Two Step Stamping. The 3 flowers were stamped this way. In the set there is a solid base and a details top image. This makes getting pretty flowers easy. The base color is Bashful with Smoothie on top.
2) Generation stamping. This means you ink your stamp as usual but stamp on a piece of scrap paper then on the cardstock without re-inking. This gives you a lighter shade of the same ink color. Now back to the flowers.... the Smoothie detail is a 2nd generation of color. The Canary flowers are also 2nd generation, too.

In the close up bottom photo you can see the flowers better. Also notice the Shimmer on the two flowers in the background, too.

All products are Close To My Heart:
  • Stamp Set: Beautiful Friendship - Scrapbooking
  • Paper Pack: Beautiful Friendship
  • Cardstock: White Daisy, Bashful, Smoothie
  • Exclusive Inks: Sapphire, Canary, Bashful, Smoothie, Heather
  • Specialty Paper: Silver Glitter paper
  • How-to Book: Make It from Your Heart Volume 3, pattern 18
  • Embellishments: Bashful Shimmer Brush, Clear Sparkles
  • Thin 3D Foam Tape
If you need a consultant I'd be happy to help.
If you'd like to BE a consultant I can help with that, too.

Now it's time for you to create and share any paper craft you like using the Tic Tac Toe colors from above. We LOVE seeing your creations. Full details are in the post on our Color My Heart home page. 

Have a creative day!

#colordare #colormyheart #closetomyheart #scrapbooking #showandtellwithmichelle


  1. Beautiful layout Michelle! Love your cluster of flowers and the silver corners.

    1. Thanks Cat. The silver corners was a last minute idea so it would fit the color dare.

  2. Great bouquet of flowers and lovely layout with all the panels of the design paper...beautiful.

  3. Lovely layout Michelle! Such pretty papers and great job stamping!
    :) Marie


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