Saturday, December 15, 2018

Holiday Giveaway!

A Giveaway, from our Holiday Kitchen to Yours!

From Our Holiday Kitchen to Yours #ctmh #closetomyheart #ctmhholidaykitchen #holidaykitchen #holidayrecipes #holidayfood #holidaymemories #tradition #holidaytraditions #Christmas #NewYears #familytraditions #memorykeeping #storytellingCan you believe that Christmas Day is less than 2 weeks away? As we all attempt to get some last-minute menu details in place, we thought it would be fun to host a recipe swap, right here on the blog! If you’d like to participate (and we hope you will), just post a holiday recipe and any story that might go along with it in the comments below.
To get us started, we have some yummy treats from a few of our favorite ladies at the Home Office:
From Our Holiday Kitchen to Yours #ctmh #closetomyheart #ctmhholidaykitchen #holidaykitchen #holidayrecipes #holidayfood #holidaymemories #tradition #holidaytraditions #Christmas #NewYears #familytraditions #memorykeeping #storytelling

From Our Holiday Kitchen to Yours #ctmh #closetomyheart #ctmhholidaykitchen #holidaykitchen #holidayrecipes #holidayfood #holidaymemories #tradition #holidaytraditions #Christmas #NewYears #familytraditions #memorykeeping #storytelling

If you’re not quite sure whether or not you want to share those delicious recipes and memories that are running through your mind right now, we’re sweetening the deal by adding a giveaway to help you preserve, celebrate, and remember your holiday table the way you would any other tradition. Share a recipe in the comments below and be a subscriber to this blog for a chance to win one of FIVE Cut Above® Holiday Kitchen Bundles!
From Our Holiday Kitchen to Yours #ctmh #closetomyheart #ctmhholidaykitchen #holidaykitchen #holidayrecipes #holidayfood #holidaymemories #tradition #holidaytraditions #Christmas #NewYears #familytraditions #memorykeeping #storytelling
The Cut Above® Holiday Kitchen bundle comes with:
30 – recipe cards
12 – overflow cards
10 – title cards
8 – journaling cards
6 – divider pages
2 – sticker sheets
36 – Memory Protectors™
1 – My Acrylix® From the Kitchen stamp set
1 – Black Everyday Life™ Album
Whether they are old family recipes or new favorites, the meals and goodies we prepare become part of the holidays themselves. The Holiday Kitchen Cut Above® recipe kit includes everything you need to get all those recipes in one place together with the stories and memories that make them so special—and it makes a wonderful gift, especially when filled up with your tried and true recipes!
Share a favorite recipe with us or share more than one to increase your chances to win a Cut Above® Holiday Kitchen bundle. (Posting the same recipe multiple times does not count and will not increase your chances of winning!) If you are not yet a subscriber, all you have to do is push the big blue button on the side bar that says “Subscribe to list” for your entry to count for the prize drawing. You have until noon tomorrow, Friday, December 14 (MST) to enter. Even if you miss the deadline, share a recipe anyway! The more the merrier!
Now remember, this Holiday Kitchen recipe kit is only available for purchase through the end of the year. Make sure to get yours while you still can!
Now it’s your turn: what’s cooking in your holiday kitchen?

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