Friday, September 20, 2019

Share the Seasons Blog Hop

Welcome to our blog hop featuring out September Special: Share the Seasons. This special is so cute and fun you will want to rush to get one for yourself! It's only available September 1-30 so don't wait!

Now for some fantastic ideas! The blog ahead of me is Brandi Robinson. Just click the links in each post to hop to the next blog for more great ideas.

I've seen a lot of wonderful ideas using this set for cards so I wanted to venture a bit farther out of the box and do a layout. It's almost like making a card front and simply putting it on a layout as one of the elements. Can it be that easy? You bet! I decided to go with the Fall images and now have a layout ready for photos of the grandkids picking out their pumpkins later in Fall. 

I used the 3-2-1 Formula for the design. It's a very simple way of making scrapbooking fast and easy. Use a 3", 2" and 1" piece of pattern paper or cardstock to decorate the page. I placed mine to meet in the center. I also did some stamping around the outside edges and doodled some Gold Stickles on the page. 

Now the really great thing about this special is that you can get it in Bundles or pick and chose the individual items you want.....but....why wouldn't you want it all???

Other Close To My Heart products used for this project
  • Cardstock: Toffee, Sapphire, White Daisy
  • Exclusive Inks: Sapphire, Toffee, Paprika, Sage, Saffron
  • Stickles Golden Rod, Gold Glitter Gems
  • Stamp Set: Build a Plaid
If you need a consultant I'd be happy to help.
If you'd like to BE a consultant I'd love to have you on my team.

Ready for more inspiration? Let's hop over to see what Haley Dyer has created to share with us.

Thanks for  hopping by!


#ctmh #showandtellwithmichelle #scrapbooking #SeptemberSpecial #sharetheseasons


What did you think? Please leave a comment and make my day!

Simple Layout ~ Atlantic Hearts Sketch challenge 623

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